Git identification and elimination of duplicate commits


This blog assumes that you know the basics of GIT as soucre control and are familiar with the concepts of merge and rebase.


I bet google has a dedicated service center to cater to rebase vs merge blogs. It seems to spark an un-usual desire to share. So here i am, another face in the crowd.

Death taxes and new commits

Speaking of inevitable certainties, the book will train you that a rebase will take the branch you are rebasing on, go to its tip, ‘replay’ all your work on top of it. Its the time distorted equivalent of you started to code now, and finished your work on top of the latest that the other guys have done. Every commit that you have done from the merge-base to now will ( should ) show up in the commit log after rebase

So highlevel steps might be

  1. start with a common base, this can be determined by the following command * git merge-base dev master

  2. Advance to the tip of the branch rebasing on

  3. Apply all the commits on the current branch starting at the merge base


A master branch with one commit ( MAS1 ) A dev branch that is cut at the first master commit (MAS1) and has 3 commits of its own (DEV1, DEV2, DEV3) A feature branch that is cut at the first feature commit ( dev1) and has 3 commits of its own ( FEAT1, FEAT2, FEAT3 ). An embedded feature branch that is cut at the first feature commit ( FEAT1 ) and has 3 commits of its own ( EMBFEAT1 , EMBFEAT2 )

Each commit will have a file and the contents same as the file name, for example the commit MAS1 will have a file called MAS1 with content of MAS1 and a comment message that says “Added MAS1 to master.

The following script will set up the above git branch structure


Commits and hashes in stage 1

Food Description Category Sample type
Apples A small, somewhat round … Fruit Fuji
Bananas A long and curved, often-yellow … Fruit Snow
Kiwis A small, hairy-skinned sweet … Fruit Golden
Oranges A spherical, orange-colored sweet … Fruit Navel

The code

You can find the code here Da project

Written on April 28, 2020